Nightcore Wiki

Hello, my name is Kit-Kat and I would like to tell you about my love for Nightcore Music! Ever since I was 12 I've been listening to Nightcore on YouTube, when I found Soundcloud that changed everything! When I made an acc on Soundcloud I started looking up Nightcore Music and Nightcore Accounts to see how many other people love Nightcore like me! I talked to a few of them and they liked what I've been posting and the playlists I've made. The first Playlist I ever made was called "Nightcore" and that Playlist barley got any likes, it's still stuck at 2 likes at this point. When I filled up my Playlist with 500 songs which is the maximum of songs you can add to a playlist I made "Nightcore 2" which was another playlist of Nightcore. It took me a while to fill that Playlist up but when I did I made "Nightcore 3" which is only at 130 songs right now. I've made 3 playlists so far and I will continue to make more Nightcore Playlists since so many people love Nightcore! My love for nightcore hasn't left but if I don't repost a song then I'm probably busy... Anyway if you would love to check out my Playlist then follow my Soundcloud account: and I hope you enjoy the Playlists as much as I do!
